
Pre-treatment, Tertiary treatment, Sludge thickening and more.

Industrial wastewaters are usually considered a costly waste due to the fact that they need to be treated before drain or reuse, if you do not want to pay for their disposal. But if the pollutant substances are correctly removed, wastewater can be turned into a resource, for your company and for the environment as well.
As a matter of fact, industrial wastewater treatment aimed at water reuse is an effective way to save money while saving and replenishing resources, complying at the same time with local industrial regulations and standards.

IDRAFLOT®, that has installed worldwide thousands of wastewater treatment plants in over 40 years’ experience, is one of the industrial wastewater treatment companies that provide wastewater DAF systems specifically designed to meet challenging wastewater treatment requirements.


IDRAFLOT® innovative wastewater treatment technologies for the treatment of industrial water and wastewater

Thanks to the industrial wastewater treatment systems designed by EVALED®, now industrial water and wastewater treatment is not only considered a mandatory engagement for companies, but can also become a way to achieve economical, strategic and reputational benefits.

Wastewater treatment equipment for different applications

IDRAFLOT® is a wastewater treatment manufacturer with a unique full portfolio of wastewater treatment equipment suitable to treat the widest range of effluents coming from various types of industries.

Food and beverage

The food and beverage industry uses water within its production process and for raw material washing, producing large quantities of wastewater. To reduce the water impact index, all the effluents coming from the production process can be reused a second time allowing water saving.

Pulp and Paper Industry

Being an industry where large quantities of water are used, the pulp & paper is a key sector for the application of IDRAFLOT®. IDRAFLOT® can be applied for the process water treatment (pre-treatment or tertiary treatment), and for the separation of fibers and suspended solids in the wastewater treatment.

Health care


A constantly growing sector characterized by small flowrates of wastewater containing a great variety of compounds which vary from one production to another. Including a modular package flotation system, such as IDRAFLOT®, for the separation of oil, fat and suspended solids, allows to have a flexible and compact solution for the whole water cycle management, controlling the costs and respecting the environment.



IDRAFLOT® flotation units are technological solutions which allow the separation of the suspended solids from wastewater coming from gas scrubber blow down (high concentration of SS) but also for the separation of low density compounds (oil and fats) which can be present in the streams collected by collectors.

Biogas and Biofuels

Combining industrial performance and sustainable development while remaining competitive requires that the biogas and biofuels industry ensure industrial process safety, reduceoperational costs, implement solutions providing significant savings and comply with environmental regulations, which ultimately lead to the public’s acceptance of a site.


Mining and Primary Metals


Water is essential component in the mining and steel industries. The main needs under this aspect are optimizing the management of the resources, improving productivity by treating available water for specific production process requirements and managing environmental risks by treating contaminated pond and underground mine water to remove suspended solids and in particular heavy metals (SS), arsenic and other contaminants for safe discharge into sensitive environment.



Water is one of the most important solvent or component in the chemicals production industry. From the production of water as a solvent for formulas, to the water used for mixers and reactors washing operations, the management of the whole water cycle from inlet to final discharge is a primary importance issue to face.

Oil and Gas


The oil and gas industry faces water and wastewater treatment specific challenges. IDRAFLOT® flotation units represent an effective solution for oil and grease separation. Explosion proof versions to be evaluated.

Mechanical and Surface Treatments


Water requirement of this sector involves the whole manufacturing cycle, but the most important problem concerns the wastewater management: optimizing the management of the whole water cycle, reducing the costs, protecting the environment.


An industrial sector where huge quantities of water are used for raw materials and productwashing. The wastewater coming from this production process can be reused a second time allowing water saving and the reduction of the water impact index (quantity of water used per product unit).



A market segment characterized by large flowrates where Idraflot, as a package treatment system, perfectly fits the treatment needs of small plants, or temporary installations, or emergencies.